If you own a business you know that nowadays is imperative for you to have an online presence, it is absolutely necessary for your business to have a website. From a marketing perspective, your website is your presentation card to your potential customers. Having a professional-looking website is a MUST to businesses. A professional site not only shows that the owner cares about their business and their online image but makes visitors feel the business is a trustworthy place to shop and that they are safe to purchase from you. This can dramatically increase your visits, sales, calls, and leads.
Did you know that the average attention span for a person visiting your website is 2.8 – 8 seconds?
This basically means that people take an average of 5 seconds to decide if they like your page or not. You’ve got FIVE SECONDS to make an immediate impact and convince them to stay and do business with you. The first five seconds play a crucial role to attract traffic and generate conversions.
In order for your website to be effective and pass the 5-second rule, your homepage needs to be able to answer the following questions:
1. Who are you? 2. What do you do? 3. Why should I care?
If those questions are not answered in the first five seconds, I guarantee you that your visitors will leave your page, and most will never return. Users aren’t looking to be bothered with fluffed-up content and inconsistent imagery, they want to find out what your company does quickly and easily. If they find your website meets their expectations, they will continue returning to your website to seek further information when they desire it. Also, these are the same people that potentially will serve as your brand ambassadors and word-of-mouth advertisers. It only takes one good and effective website to get the ball rolling.
Other factors to take into consideration for passing the 5-second rule are: loading speed of the website, pleasant and responsive web design, visually appealing content, and effective call to action buttons. But I will leave those for another blog post. Keep posted!

Are you in need of a website or looking to redesign your existing one? Contact me today, I can help take your business to the next level!
